All Maybank Account Holders have the Maybank account number with ATM card, please be careful when withdrawing money through ATM machine,
1. For the first time when you enter the right pin number, a message 'invalid pin number' pops up..
2. Then, when you enter your pin number for the second time, a message 'invalid pin number, please call this number 'xxx-xxxx' pops up.
3. If you call this number, you will lose all your money..
NOTE: If you encounter the above matter, please DO NOT call the number. One of my friends just lost RM70000 on last Sunday and Maybank checked his last transaction was on that day itself even though he did not withdraw any money. Please forward this to your friends.
Info Provided by Normah Zakaria
Credit Risk Management
Level 29, East Wing
Menara Maybank
Crime News
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Maybank ATM
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Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Maybank ATM
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